Monday, September 10, 2007

12. Rules for the Hardy Boys Series

Books always been beloved by YOUNG readers for adventure, action and humour.


No sex, profanity or serious violence.
Every episode ends with a cliff hanger.

By blending mystery, suspense and humour with a mimum of introspection, the Hardy Boys bring the genre of adventure story to a new level.

Exciting plots, fast-paced action, evocative atmospher and cliff-hanging suspense.

Lelise McFarlane died in 1977.

Insouciant attitude towards authority (police).
crisp dialogue & fresh descriptions.

ordinary boys performing extraordinary feats --- longeivity as literary characters for reluctant readers.

teens solve mysteries, defeat bullies, driving fast cars, act without adult supervision, characteristics that attract children. Evil always defeated. +ve stance towards moral issues.

IN REVISION OF THE FIRST 38 BOOKS character of Frank and Joe changed dramatically:

18 yrs Frank is rational and careful. He weighs all options before taking action.

17 yrs Joe is impulsive and passionate, never pausing to consider the consequences. Athletic Hardy, gym to boxing. Constantly falling in love.

Days filled with mysteries & pulse-pounding excitement (mundane school days). All American boy next door. Every boy wishes he could be a Hardy.

KSHEE - sixtyish spinster with an acerbic manner but a heart of gold. Figure beloved by most readers of the novels.

DS 20 yrs

JS 18 yrs

Juliet constantly worried about her sons