Monday, September 10, 2007

12. Rules for the Hardy Boys Series

Books always been beloved by YOUNG readers for adventure, action and humour.


No sex, profanity or serious violence.
Every episode ends with a cliff hanger.

By blending mystery, suspense and humour with a mimum of introspection, the Hardy Boys bring the genre of adventure story to a new level.

Exciting plots, fast-paced action, evocative atmospher and cliff-hanging suspense.

Lelise McFarlane died in 1977.

Insouciant attitude towards authority (police).
crisp dialogue & fresh descriptions.

ordinary boys performing extraordinary feats --- longeivity as literary characters for reluctant readers.

teens solve mysteries, defeat bullies, driving fast cars, act without adult supervision, characteristics that attract children. Evil always defeated. +ve stance towards moral issues.

IN REVISION OF THE FIRST 38 BOOKS character of Frank and Joe changed dramatically:

18 yrs Frank is rational and careful. He weighs all options before taking action.

17 yrs Joe is impulsive and passionate, never pausing to consider the consequences. Athletic Hardy, gym to boxing. Constantly falling in love.

Days filled with mysteries & pulse-pounding excitement (mundane school days). All American boy next door. Every boy wishes he could be a Hardy.

KSHEE - sixtyish spinster with an acerbic manner but a heart of gold. Figure beloved by most readers of the novels.

DS 20 yrs

JS 18 yrs

Juliet constantly worried about her sons

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Bobby. Whining and being noisy upset neigbhours.

Whining and noisy past midnight for 3 nights

If the first-time owner knew how to handle a whining puppy, life would be so much different and better for him to stay in Singapore, but...see story below...

Extracts from a letter to Dr Sing

Bobby was born on August 9th, 2005, the (Singapore) National Day in the side house facing the fishing pond. He was the only survivor out of 7 puppies. The rest of the puppies just disappear within weeks after they were born.

We first saw Bobby on August 21, 2005. That was our first trip to the fishing pond. We adopted Bobby when he was only 6 weeks old as this was the only way to save him. But at my apartment, he often cried and made a lot of noise for 3 nights until our neighbour complained. We had no choice but to return Bobby back to the fishing pond.

By June 2007, the military wanted the land and the fishing pond back by not renewing the tenancy. The old couple's daughter-in-law went to check with the SPCA about rehoming the dogs. SPCA told her that the dogs especially mongrels would not be put up for adoption. SPCA has limited kennel spaces and there are too many of these dogs in Singapore. The solution is that SPCA will come and pick up 6 dogs at at time for a few times. The dogs will be put to sleep.

It was by chance that I only know about NANAS (Noah's Ark Natural Animal Sanctuary) on February 24, 2007 at the SPCA. A Schnauzer Cross entered my apartment. My door was open. It was the first day Chinese New Year and my relatives were around. I asked neighbours upstairs, downstairs and nearby blocks but had no luck finding its owner.

It was on February 24, 2007, that I surrendered the dog to the SPCA. The dog was not friendly to the SPCA staff. It peed and pooped on me as I was carrying it. SPCA said that this dog would be put to sleep within 24 hours or earlier if it bit any of the SPCA staff.

Some members of the public viewing the dogs for adoption at the SPCA came to check why this Schnauzer Cross was howling away and struggling when the SPCA staff tried to scan it to detect a microchip. A couple heard my talk with the SPCA and mentioned NANAS. That was how I managed to find Lynda Goh for help.

(The write spent past 2 years with Bobby at the fishing pond. The family went there to fish. Bobby would rush to welcome them.

After Bobby's tail was hacked and then amputated, the writer took him home. But the Schnauzer Cross barked all the time when Bobby there. Another dog did not bother about Bobby. So, Bobby had to join his pack at NANAS).


As there is no way to turn back the clock, I write the following for those who adopt puppies and face noisy ones for the first few nights. The following tips may be useful:

1. Ignoring the puppy is one way. But that has to be done by all family members.
2. Crate the puppy and put in your bedroom. Cover the crate with a blanket.
3. If not possible, switch on the light, radio or put a clock next to the puppy at night. This may or may not work.
4. Sleep beside the puppy at night for the first few nights.

Home Toilet Training

Book: home screen printing Paul Thimou 128 pages
Home Toilet Training

do-it-yourself techniques for playpen, grates and others

Sing Kong Yuen


How to Set Up a Small ...Studio....11
Puppy Equipment
Basic Supplies
Choosing and Using Newspapers

Project 1
The Playpen
Basic Toilet Training Guidelines

Project 2
The Crate

Project 6
Preparing a playpen for toilet training
Choosing a Plan pen design
The playpen in use

TROUBLESHOOTING: Common toilet training problems and their solutions

Friday, July 13, 2007

Manga: 60 yrs of Japanese Comics - BOW WOW WATA

By Paul Gravett

"Bow Wow Wata", Kazumi Umekawa, a certified vet, tackles realistic pet problems and medical issus as well as young romance bet pretty dog-loving Misato and Tasuke, a vet's son who has inerited his fox-spirt father's gift for conversing with animals.

Front Cover:

Episode 1: Wata's Arrival

Boy Girl being pulled by Siberian Husky

Art and story by:
Umekawa Kazumi

Turn pages from right to left

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Fundraising for NANAS

How to be successful in fundraising for dogs

"Where's the funfair?" I asked the school's security guard as I did not see any notice or banner outside the entrance gate of the Paya Lebar Methodist Secondary School nor the adjoing Primary School. An animal activist invited me to attend the fundraising for NANAS (Noah Arks' Natural Animal Sanctuary). I thought it would be a typical school's funfair with lots of stalls and food. Probably a boring hot but sunny Jun 14, 2007 afternoon.

"You mean the dogs?" the big woman security guard sat on her chair and pointed to the school canteen. At the corner of the canteen, I saw tables with white plastic top and merchandise laid out manned by student volunteers. It was nearly 2.30 pm when a very large crowd of young ladies swarmed round the tables.

During my 1.5 hours' observation, this fundraising was successful in that there were crowds. I will comment on the operational factors for the benefit of any group who does fundraising to help the animals.

As this is a in-house affair, no external gate notice was put up.


The advertisement was a white board to the left side of the sales area. The sales area consisted of a table for the laptop and photo printer and the other tables formed in a L-shaped layout for sales of merchandise.

2.1 "Fund Raising" should be written as "Fundraising". English can be a difficult language to master as I also used two words instead of one in my picture caption.

2.2 The layout of the advertisement is important to provide information efficiently and effectively. Before I took the picture of the white board for this article, the animal painting was covered by a black T-shirt and an A4 paper listing the price of the merchandise.

2.3 I took away the A4 paper and removed part of the tape sticking the T-shirt so that I could take an unobstructed view of the animal painting. This animal painting would be best positioned on the top left corner of the white board. The NANAS pictures and text would be placed on the left 1/3 of the white board so that the reader needed not look for the extreme right hand side of the white board to read the rest of the story.

The A4 paper listing prices of products (I stuck it at the bottom of the white board to take this picture), the "Photo With Dog" price list (near the Canon printer), the T-shirt and other matters would be positioned to the middle and right 1/3 of the white board.

The bottom part of the white board would still have the date and time in large letters as shown. "Help the animals" wordings might be more easily read if the words were in black ink.

3. TAKING PHOTO WITH A DOG. This service was not well publicised as the A4 paper listing the fees were in light blue words. The paper was taped onto the back of the laptop which is used for picture processing. You might be able to see this advertisement in the picture.

It would be better for the service table to be located in between the two tables selling merchandise so that there was greater awareness of this unique service which other fundraising events would not have.

4. The ELECTRICAL WIRE might need to be covered by tape. There was an electricity supply interruption during the printing one photo. The photo had to be discarded.

5. ADULT DOGS USED. Puppies should never be used for fundraising because they usually cannot take the stress of crowds and handling. Certain breeds like Chihuahua puppies are are likely to pass blood in watery stools and die, if they are exposed to crowds, in my experience of some cases.

The adult dogs enjoyed the low work load. They seem to enjoy the attention of posing in the shady garden nearby. One Miniature Dachshund had her beauty nap on a chair while sales business was being conducted. Was she not having sufficient work?

6. INSTANT PHOTOS. The use of an almost instant printing of photo service using the Canon printer belong to animal activist Lynda was a brilliant idea. This saved time and expenses in having to post pictures to prospects.

7. AN EXPERIENCED DOG PHOTOGRAPHER volunteer. Mr Nicholas Lee, a dog photographer was not full time but he took perfect pictures of students and dogs. Without him, the technology would be useless.

8. A VARIETY OF PRODUCTS. A variety of merchandise to attract buyers as you can see from the pictures. I bought a writing pad, a T-shirt and a dog picture. I wanted to buy a story book about the work of NANAS rather than a writing pad with pages to be torn out.

What better way to create market awareness than telling newbies what NANAS is all about and its history since its founding in 1995? 12 years had passed by and many achievements would be of great interest to animal lovers.

Overall, I sensed that there was great fun from the noisy secondary school students. Both the dogs and the students including 3 adult teacher assistants enjoyed the fundraising.

I wanted to buy an XL Nanas T-shirt for myself.

"Sorry, the T-shirts are cut and trimmed in size for girls only," Lynda laughed at me. "This is a girls' school you know?" Lynda presumed I needed to fix my eye sight. Or she deemed me an alien from another planet?

I guessed there were no big-sized girls requiring XL and no provision for men's T-shirt in this fundraising but it is always good to BE PREPARED (Scout's motto) when we want to maximise earnings for the fundraising for animals in need of help.

Anyway the student volunteers were persistent. I bought the black L-sized NANAS lady's T-shirt. I now need to tranform to become feminine.

Fundraising for NANAS

How to be successful in fundraising for dogs

"Where's the funfair?" I asked the school's security guard as I did not see any notice or banner outside the entrance gate of the Paya Lebar Methodist Secondary School nor the adjoing Primary School. An animal activist invited me to attend the fundraising for NANAS (Noah Arks' Natural Animal Sanctuary). I thought it would be a typical school's funfair with lots of stalls and food. Probably a boring hot but sunny Jun 14, 2007 afternoon.

"You mean the dogs?" the big woman security guard sat on her chair and pointed to the school canteen. At the corner of the canteen, I saw tables with white plastic top and merchandise laid out manned by student volunteers. It was nearly 2.30 pm when a very large crowd of young ladies swarmed round the tables.

During my 1.5 hours' observation, this fundraising was successful in that there were crowds. I will comment on the operational factors for the benefit of any group who does fundraising to help the animals.

As this is a in-house affair, no external gate notice was put up.


The advertisement was a white board to the left side of the sales area. The sales area consisted of a table for the laptop and photo printer and the other tables formed in a L-shaped layout for sales of merchandise.

2.1 "Fund Raising" should be written as "Fundraising". English can be a difficult language to master as I also used two words instead of one in my picture caption.

2.2 The layout of the advertisement is important to provide information efficiently and effectively. Before I took the picture of the white board for this article, the animal painting was covered by a black T-shirt and an A4 paper listing the price of the merchandise.

2.3 I took away the A4 paper and removed part of the tape sticking the T-shirt so that I could take an unobstructed view of the animal painting. This animal painting would be best positioned on the top left corner of the white board. The NANAS pictures and text would be placed on the left 1/3 of the white board so that the reader needed not look for the extreme right hand side of the white board to read the rest of the story.

The A4 paper listing prices of products (I stuck it at the bottom of the white board to take this picture), the "Photo With Dog" price list (near the Canon printer), the T-shirt and other matters would be positioned to the middle and right 1/3 of the white board.

The bottom part of the white board would still have the date and time in large letters as shown. "Help the animals" wordings might be more easily read if the words were in black ink.

3. TAKING PHOTO WITH A DOG. This service was not well publicised as the A4 paper listing the fees were in light blue words. The paper was taped onto the back of the laptop which is used for picture processing. You might be able to see this advertisement in the picture.

It would be better for the service table to be located in between the two tables selling merchandise so that there was greater awareness of this unique service which other fundraising events would not have.

4. The ELECTRICAL WIRE might need to be covered by tape. There was an electricity supply interruption during the printing one photo. The photo had to be discarded.

5. ADULT DOGS USED. Puppies should never be used for fundraising because they usually cannot take the stress of crowds and handling. Certain breeds like Chihuahua puppies are are likely to pass blood in watery stools and die, if they are exposed to crowds, in my experience of some cases.

The adult dogs enjoyed the low work load. They seem to enjoy the attention of posing in the shady garden nearby. One Miniature Dachshund had her beauty nap on a chair while sales business was being conducted. Was she not having sufficient work?

6. INSTANT PHOTOS. The use of an almost instant printing of photo service using the Canon printer belong to animal activist Lynda was a brilliant idea. This saved time and expenses in having to post pictures to prospects.

7. AN EXPERIENCED DOG PHOTOGRAPHER volunteer. Mr Nicholas Lee, a dog photographer was not full time but he took perfect pictures of students and dogs. Without him, the technology would be useless.

8. A VARIETY OF PRODUCTS. A variety of merchandise to attract buyers as you can see from the pictures. I bought a writing pad, a T-shirt and a dog picture. I wanted to buy a story book about the work of NANAS rather than a writing pad with pages to be torn out.

What better way to create market awareness than telling newbies what NANAS is all about and its history since its founding in 1995? 12 years had passed by and many achievements would be of great interest to animal lovers.

Overall, I sensed that there was great fun from the noisy secondary school students. Both the dogs and the students including 3 adult teacher assistants enjoyed the fundraising.

I wanted to buy an XL Nanas T-shirt for myself.

"Sorry, the T-shirts are cut and trimmed in size for girls only," Lynda laughed at me. "This is a girls' school you know?" Lynda presumed I needed to fix my eye sight. Or she deemed me an alien from another planet?

I guessed there were no big-sized girls requiring XL and no provision for men's T-shirt in this fundraising but it is always good to BE PREPARED (Scout's motto) when we want to maximise earnings for the fundraising for animals in need of help.

Anyway the student volunteers were persistent. I bought the black L-sized NANAS lady's T-shirt. I now need to tranform to become feminine.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

6. Top 10 insurance claims for dogs

Source: Market Trends Nov 2005.

1. Ear infections
2. Skin allergies
3. Stomach upsets
4. Benigh tumours
5. Bladder infection
6. Skin infections
7. Sprains
8. Eye infections.
9. Colitis.
10. Skin lacerations.

Pet Care, Pet Food, Pet Grooming, Pet Insurance, Pet Supplements

5. Book Proposals and Magazine Queries


1. Submit a topic. A paragraph about WHY today's puppy owners would LOVE to buy a book on this topic.
2. A list of 5-6 chapters included in your book.
3. 3-4 visuals (accents, sketches, drawings, photos) to illustrate the topic you suggest.
4. A paragraph or 2 why YOU are the perfect person to write about this topic. Experience in writing, teaching, project management, public speaking.


1. Submit a topic. A paragraph about WHY today's puppy owners would LOVE to read an article on this topic. Why your approach is brand new and merits an article in BKTP.
2. List 3-5 points you would like to make in this article.
3. 3-4 visuals (accents, sketches, drawings, photos) to illustrate the topic you suggest.
4. A paragraph or 2 why YOU are the perfect person to write about this topic.

1. Instruction manuals. First-timers, time-pressed couples, domestic workers, children's share of work, aged parents. Smelly, stressful and animal cruelty. Rehoming.

2. 6 Chapters:
2.1 Personality, age of the puppy and lifestyle of the owner.
2.2 Positive reinforcement training v. negative and no training.
2.3 How to paper-train? Outdoor training.
2.4 Gastro-colic reflex and distractions
2.5 Accidents. Cleanliness, signs of elimination and smell of urine.
2.6 Singapore Case studies - Stool eating, regressed, NP shredding, barking after bedtime.

3. Visuals
Equipment used.
3.1 Playpen + NP
3.2 Playpen + pee pan
3.3 Crate
3.4 Crate + pee pan
3.5 Tether
3.6 Playpen + grating + pee pan
3.7 Room + baby gate
3.8 Crate training
3.9 Grating + pee pan
3.10 Pee Pan
4. 500 case studies.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Formal Obedience Training

Some dogs may be more independent-thinking. Become bored with repetition.

Solution: Change locations, time, order of exercises, add distractions, all family members involved, short time, fun.

Adolescence is a developmental phase: Puberty (sexual maturation) usually coincides with adolescence. 12 to 20 years old.

Less intersted in familiy activities, spending time with friends or peers, telephone chatting. The need to belong, to be liked, to identify with a group, for independence, try on different identities, for a personal identity. Try out different experiences may be risky or dangerous. Bad company, risky behavious in the company of negative peers.

What can parents do to help them successfully navigate through the perils of adolescence?
Respect, interest in their children's activities and set firm boundaries for negativite activities like criminal, illegal drug and alcohol use, negative pper pressure, delinquency, sexucal promiscuity and low self-esteem.

Be back home before curfew time as his brain not biological mature till age of 20 years.

Positive relationship: Make time to be with teenages: talk to them and listen to them. Monitor and set reasonable limits and consequences. Know wheere he is. Follow through wth consequences in a consistent manner. Your job is to keep them safe.

Model positive behaviour. Lessen power struggle that parents often get into with their teenagers. Teenagers to learn negotiation, communication and social skills.

Parenting is a process. Children will make mistakes, behave badly. Parents to be more proactive. Foresee problems, less likely to react negatively when problems occur. Do remember to praise and positively reinforce all good behaviours that our teenagers show.

3. Characters

1. Breeder
2. Seller
3. Buyer
4. Vet
5. Family members
6. Puppy behaviour
7. Neighbours
8. Regulators
9. Dog Trainer
10. Dog Groomer
11. Dog Transport Man

2. Contents - Jun 15, 2007

Be Kind To Pets community education

Dr Kong Yuen Sing, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS

First published in Singapore in .... by, an associate of Asia USA Realty Singapore) Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Toa Payoh Lor 8, 01-1477, Singapore 319074.,, +65 9668-6468

Copyright ....

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilised in an form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


Printed and bound in Singapore

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Problems: No time, Insufficient knowledge of caregiver (maids, aged parents, working couples), Anti-social barking, Cruelty, Misinterpretation of guilty conscience, small breeds - small pee. Pet shops & puppy sellers --- no instruction manuals on use of equipment. Social and hiearchy behaviour of puppies. Different personalities.

2.1 Blank mental slate - 2 - 4 months old. Fear imprint stage.
2.2 Rebellious state --- 6-8 months old.
2.3 Mature --- 12 - 18 months old.
2.4 Who is the boss? The alpha male.
2.5 WITFM? --- What's in it for me? Whacking.

3.1 Housebreaking aids
Newspaper with puppy urine.
3.2 Puppy diapers or training pads with attractant smell.
3.3 Litter box.
3.4 Pee tray with newspaper.
3.5 Playpen
3.6 Playpen with enclosed aluminium pee tray.
3.7 Playpen + inside pee tray.
3.8 Crate(cage) + pee tray.
Crate + inside pee tray.
Crate with no pee tray.
3.9 Grate + pee tray. Rusty and aluminium.
3.10. Urine neutralisers.
3.11 Carpet neutralisers.
3.12 Cluttered area
3.13 Electronic collar.
3.14 Electric mat (restricted zone).
3.15 Dog house.
3.16 Clicker

4.1 Confinement --- crate training/room with baby gate.
4.2 Restricted Zone --- bedroom, balcony,kitchen with ceramic tiles, bathroom. Baby gate. Living cum dining area. marble flooring problems.
4.3 Tether method --- pee tray + newspapers. Chew leashes - Huskies.
4.4 Litter box. Shih Tzu's eyes.
4.5 Portable puppy loo.

INDOOR Apartment too small - Balcony, kitchen (see people), living area, whole apartment. Bedroom messed up.
Playpen with no gates. Playpen elevated, wire flooring, pee tray below.
Playpen for large breeds. Behind sofas and main door.

OUTDOOR. Ground floor apartment


Inconsistent routine. Do not see signs of elimination.
Too excited, distracted by children and neighbours, too young, inconsistency, not so smart.
Too large an area to roam - whining and continuous barking.
New smells, new dogs, stress, baby.
New homes.
Pee "off target" on newspapers.
Poop everywhere.
2 puppies, same age. 1 puppy and older dog.
Family members interference or conflicts.

7. PROBLEMSShredding newspapers, training pads
Chewing bed or cloth - intestinal obstruction
Relapses - boarding, new arrivals, tiled floor, carpet.
Toilet too far away at night
Whining to go to the toilet at night and to change soiled papers.
No time to train - Take 7 days' leave. Sleep with the puppy.
With-hold water after 8 p.m
Tiled area preferred - vinegar, anti-ammonnia cleaner, repellent, commercial
Infected bladder or private parts
Kennel cough, vomiting, diarrhoea
Medication, milk
Blood in stools
Loose stools and farting
Vomiting blood and blood in stools
Submissive urinaton
Eating stools, drinking urine.
Consistency of family members
Feed 2 times per day.
Irregular feeding times esp. weekends
Regression --- male dog urine marking.

All puppies craved a routine.
Plan, Consistent words, Confine, Paper + urine aids/newspaper, Recommended food
from Seller. No milk. 2 times per day. Fixed feeding time. Water bottle or water bowl? Splashing water on body. Home alone puppy bored. Goes to work and train in the evenings. Takes 7 days' leave. Buy puppy over the week-end.

Signs of elimination
2 puppies
1 puppy and 1 adult using 1 pee pan.
Deaf puppy.

9. SINGAPORE CASE STUDIES. >10 cases are selected from over 500 new puppy owners interviewed by Dr Sing from 2004 - 2007. Examples are:
9.1 The aged stay-at-home mum was stressed by the Schnauzer's mess.
9.2 "How to talk to the puppy" not to step on his poop every night?
9.3 Will the labrador retriever puppy be able to hold his urine from the 19th floor to the grass every morning?
9.4 Wood shavings stuck to the eye of the Shih Tzu puppy.
9.5 "Either the puppy goes or I go," the wife gave an ultimatum.
9.6 "The crate is a prison for the puppy," the soldier said to his father.
9.7 No puppy should drink from a water bottle?
9.8 "The puppy in the HDB flat must go," the canine enforcement officer said.
9.9 The platform was best for the townhouse Golden Retriever.
9.10 Stories about the Aluminium pee tray.
9.11 The 7-month-old Golden Retriever too old to toilet-train?

10.1 Stick --- Negative Reinforcement Training. Beating the puppy. Force the puppy to smell the stools and urine. Creating fear and distrust. Pain and trauma.
10.2 Carrot --- Positive Reinforcement Training. Praise, food treats, click and treat.
10.3 Scruff of neck. Choke chain.
10.3 Animal-human miscommunication. Recognising the signs - sniffing, circling, whining. Cannot ignore barking at night. Freedom to roam.
10.4 Paper-trained successful - what is the criteria?





1. Contents Jun 14, 2007

Be Kind To Pets community education

Dr Kong Yuen Sing, BVMS (Glasgow), MRCVS

First published in Singapore in .... by, an associate of Asia USA Realty Singapore) Pte Ltd, Blk 1002, Toa Payoh Lor 8, 01-1477, Singapore 319074.,, +65 9668-6468

Copyright ....

All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or utilised in an form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher.


Printed and bound in Singapore

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2


Time-pressed adult and children in Singapore. 80% in apartments. Large and small dogs. Laws. Senior Citizens. Maids. Children. Neighbours. Internet knowledge. Insufficient knowledge. Applied knowledge of use of equipment. Puppy cruelty. Puppy feeling guilty. Cleanliness freak. No instruction manuals. Different personalities of puppies. No time. Problems and solutions.

2.1 Blank mental slate - 2 - 4 months old. Fear imprint stage.
2.2 Rebellious state --- 6-8 months old.
2.3 Mature --- 12 - 18 months old.
2.4 Who is the boss? The alpha male.
2.5 WITFM? --- What's in it for me? Whacking.

3.1 Housebreaking aids
Newspaper with puppy urine.
3.2 Puppy diapers or training pads with attractant smell.
3.3 Litter box.
3.4 Pee tray with newspaper.
3.5 Playpen
3.6 Playpen with enclosed aluminium pee tray.
3.7 Playpen + inside pee tray.
3.8 Crate(cage) + pee tray.
Crate + inside pee tray.
Crate with no pee tray.
3.9 Grate + pee tray. Rusty and aluminium.
3.10. Urine neutralisers.
3.11 Carpet neutralisers.
3.12 Cluttered area
3.13 Electronic collar.
3.14 Electric mat (restricted zone).
3.15 Dog house.
3.16 Clicker

4.1 Confinement --- crate training/room with baby gate.
4.2 Restricted Zone --- bedroom, balcony,kitchen with ceramic tiles, bathroom. Baby gate. Living cum dining area. marble flooring problems.
4.3 Tether method --- pee tray + newspapers.
4.4 Litter box. Shih Tzu's eyes.
4.5 Portable puppy loo.

INDOOR Apartment too small - Balcony, kitchen (see people), living area, whole apartment. Bedroom messed up.
Playpen with no gates. Playpen elevated, wire flooring, pee tray below.
Playpen for large breeds. Behind sofas and main door.

OUTDOOR. Ground floor apartment

Inconsistent routine. Do not see signs of elimination.
Too excited, distracted by children and neighbours, too young, inconsistency, not so smart.
Too large an area to roam - whining and continuous barking.
New smells, new dogs, stress, baby.
New homes.
Pee "off target" on newspapers.
Poop everywhere.
2 puppies, same age. 1 puppy and older dog.
Family members interference or conflicts.

7. PROBLEMSShredding newspapers, training pads
Chewing bed or cloth - intestinal obstruction
Relapses - boarding, new arrivals, tiled floor, carpet.
Toilet too far away at night
Whining to go to the toilet at night and to change soiled papers.
No time to train - Take 7 days' leave. Sleep with the puppy.
With-hold water after 8 p.m
Tiled area preferred - vinegar, anti-ammonnia cleaner, repellent, commercial
Infected bladder or private parts
Kennel cough, vomiting, diarrhoea
Medication, milk
Blood in stools
Loose stools and farting
Vomiting blood and blood in stools
Submissive urinaton
Eating stools, drinking urine.
Consistency of family members
Feed 2 times per day.
Irregular feeding times esp. weekends
Regression --- male dog urine marking.

All puppies craved a routine.
Plan, Consistent words, Confine, Paper + urine aids/newspaper, Recommended food
from Seller. No milk. 2 times per day. Fixed feeding time. Water bottle or water bowl? Splashing water on body. Home alone puppy bored. Goes to work and train in the evenings. Takes 7 days' leave. Buy puppy over the week-end.

Signs of elimination
2 puppies
1 puppy and 1 adult using 1 pee pan.
Deaf puppy.

9. SINGAPORE CASE STUDIES. >10 cases are selected from over 500 new puppy owners interviewed by Dr Sing from 2004 - 2007. Examples are:
9.1 The aged stay-at-home mum was stressed by the Schnauzer's mess.
9.2 "How to talk to the puppy" not to step on his poop every night?
9.3 Will the labrador retriever puppy be able to hold his urine from the 19th floor to the grass every morning?
9.4 Wood shavings stuck to the eye of the Shih Tzu puppy.
9.5 "Either the puppy goes or I go," the wife gave an ultimatum.
9.6 "The crate is a prison for the puppy," the soldier said to his father.
9.7 No puppy should drink from a water bottle?
9.8 "The puppy in the HDB flat must go," the canine enforcement officer said.
9.9 The platform was best for the townhouse Golden Retriever.
9.10 Stories about the Aluminium pee tray.
9.11 The 7-month-old Golden Retriever too old to toilet-train?

10.1 Stick --- Negative Reinforcement Training. Beating the puppy. Force the puppy to smell the stools and urine. Creating fear and distrust. Pain and trauma.
10.2 Carrot --- Positive Reinforcement Training. Praise, food treats, click and treat.
10.3 Animal-human miscommunication. Recognising the signs - sniffing, circling, whining. Cannot ignore barking at night. Freedom to roam.
10.4 Paper-trained successful - what is the criteria?