Friday, June 15, 2007

Formal Obedience Training

Some dogs may be more independent-thinking. Become bored with repetition.

Solution: Change locations, time, order of exercises, add distractions, all family members involved, short time, fun.

Adolescence is a developmental phase: Puberty (sexual maturation) usually coincides with adolescence. 12 to 20 years old.

Less intersted in familiy activities, spending time with friends or peers, telephone chatting. The need to belong, to be liked, to identify with a group, for independence, try on different identities, for a personal identity. Try out different experiences may be risky or dangerous. Bad company, risky behavious in the company of negative peers.

What can parents do to help them successfully navigate through the perils of adolescence?
Respect, interest in their children's activities and set firm boundaries for negativite activities like criminal, illegal drug and alcohol use, negative pper pressure, delinquency, sexucal promiscuity and low self-esteem.

Be back home before curfew time as his brain not biological mature till age of 20 years.

Positive relationship: Make time to be with teenages: talk to them and listen to them. Monitor and set reasonable limits and consequences. Know wheere he is. Follow through wth consequences in a consistent manner. Your job is to keep them safe.

Model positive behaviour. Lessen power struggle that parents often get into with their teenagers. Teenagers to learn negotiation, communication and social skills.

Parenting is a process. Children will make mistakes, behave badly. Parents to be more proactive. Foresee problems, less likely to react negatively when problems occur. Do remember to praise and positively reinforce all good behaviours that our teenagers show.

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